Hello friends!
We are thrilled to share that The Highland Canopy, our cannabis project at Sonoma Hills Farm was featured on this week’s cover of LA Weekly along with a feature story! Shout out to Jimi Devine for the amazing interview with Vice President of Cultivation and Production Aaron Keefer and write up on the farm and this year’s harvest of beautiful strains that include Pink Jesus (pictured below), Orange Açaí, and Banana Kush, among others that will be available for sale soon at select California retailers. Check out the story with additional photos here.
The Highland Canopy at Sonoma Hills Farm is the first of its kind cannabis and culinary garden that will pair cannabis across the range of climates – outdoor, mixed-light, and indoor – with a traditional produce garden. We have taken the time to design The Highland Canopy at Sonoma Hills Farm to navigate the nascent, commoditized market and be a beacon for consumers looking to experience the premium cannabis products for decades to come.
Orange Açaí finishing up a few weeks before we begin harvest
Many have asked us how they can be a part of our vision and this new business championing health and wellness through the products we produce and our stewardship as a leader in the industry. We are always looking for the right people to join in whether as employees, supply chain partners, or investors. For more information, please reach out to Joyce Cenali at joyce@sonomahighlandholdings.com.
Animal Mints expressing beautiful variegated leaves
Meanwhile, our Quarantine Garden Project has resulted in hundreds of pounds of fresh potatoes, lettuces, beets, squashes and zucchinis, cucumbers, herbs, string beans, carrots, corn, tomatoes, and peppers given away to help our local friends at Brewsters and Cucina Paradiso in Petaluma, PRESS Restaurant in St. Helena, the Restaurant at Single Thread Farms and Olive and Hay in the Napa area, and Che Fico and Nightbird in San Francisco.
Sampling of gorgeous veggies and herbs from our Quarantine Garden
Unfortunately this newsletter comes at a time when the cannabis industry in California, Oregon, and Washington are contending with a yearly fire season, particularly the devastating 2020 fires that have affected so many. While this is deeply troubling to the Big Rock and Sonoma Hills Farm teams who live in the area and are concerned for the wellbeing of some of our dearest friends in the Emerald Triangle region, Sonoma Hills Farm is fortunate to be located in a relatively lower fire-risk area compared to most in the region that has not seen a major fire in at least 60 years. To take additional precautions, we made the decision to purchase a used fire truck, dubbed S.H.F.F.D. to provide additional peace of mind for ourselves and neighbors.
Sonoma Hills Farm CEO Mike Harden, COO Joyce Cenali, and VP of Cultivation and Production Aaron Keefer
We hope that the upcoming harvest goes well for everyone despite the difficult conditions and that those whose lives have been deeply affected by the ongoing fires find brighter days.